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    丹麦高中生Peter今年8月来到上海,在闵行区田园高级中学随班就读,住宿于田园高级中学高二学生王子林家中。Peter和上海接待家庭相处和睦融洽,在学校积极主动学习汉语,融入班级集体,获家庭和学校一致好评。在跨文化理解上,Peter慢慢体会并发现上海和家乡丹麦的各种差异,My first month in shanghai!的感想文章中有所体现。

Shanghai is an incredible big, tall and breathtaking city, especially if you come from a small country like Denmark. Even though I have been in Shanghai for more than a month, I still don't understand its capacity. Shanghai has completely turned my everyday upside down. Skyscrapers and 10 floor's apartments have become a usually thing in my life. As one of the other exchange students said:”In Shanghai, the skyscrapers are as commonly as trees. So now skyscrapers are my trees!” Despite I live in a wealthy area, with only ordinary houses (no tall apartments'), I can still see the skyscrapers in the horizon.

The Chinese culture is a new experience, a amazing experience. The culture is very deferent compared to the Danish. I have found allot of different thinking and actions. One of the things I find most interesting is the respect for elder people. Everyone have great respect for older people. For example have I often experienced the kindly favor of giving op a seat in the bus for old man.

In China the people are not afraid of looking. The fact that I am a tall, blonde haired foreigner makes the majority of people on the street looking. Even if I look back at them, they keep looking.
The food also has its own culture. The food has so many different variations. All kind of foods can be eaten: The duck head, the spider, the pig brain... In China. I haven't tried something I didn't like; despite I haven't tried the Chinese food to its full extinct.
The school is also a new way of life. Even though the school day is longer than usually, the day still feels short. It is like the time is disappearing, and not coming back. The school day is really strict and have requires self discipline, but I still find the school fun and exciting.
The language is sometimes surprisingly easy, and other times impossible to understand. The obvious fact that my teacher doesn't speak Danish makes it hard. Since I am learning Chinese in English, my second language, it often requires my full attention.
The 3 hardest parts of Chinese is: The signs, the oral and the way one word can have multiple meanings. I find the signs really hard to remember, because the smallest details makes a different. The oral is also a incredible hard factor. The letters Z, X and Q is often spoken in Chinese, which is a major issue for me. In Denmark these letters are not common, so sometimes I don't know how to pronounce them.
The way the same words can have different meanings is indeed a confusing part. The way you pronounce the word is so important. Often I have pronounced the word wrong, which resulted in a un-understandable meaning, but also resulted in a lot of fun.
My family is great. The grandmother is so kindly. The grandfather is full of life. My farther can make everybody comfortable. My mother is always supporting me and my brother is a amazingly friend. The family is so great, I really feel welcome and loved. In the family I am trying to help as much as possible, washing the clothes, taking the dishes and sweeping the floor.
China is without doubt a great country. A country I'm sure that still hides allot of adventures, which I'm excited about taking part in.

This picture is taken in the family’s restaurant. At this moment we are celebrating Mid autumn festival.

A picture from the preordination in China. This picture really indicates the size and how amazing China is.

In China have I experienced allot of amazing things. One of the experiences that lays clearly in my mind is this amusement park. My brother, his friends and I went there, which resulted in a great amount of fun.  

A picture of the amazing house I am living in.

China 2014-2015

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