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One year, it's not very long, yet it's long enough to change a person. I don't really think I changed a lot; I just feel like growing up, understanding more about the world, about life and about relationships. 
I heard other exchange students complaining about their lives, they skyped with their parents a lot and were really sick of their lives in the States.  "OMG, they MUST be crazy." ----this was the very first thing I thought about. Yes, I LOVE my life and all the things I experienced this year---- some were exciting, and of course,some  made me upset... but I enjoyed it very much. I was really lucky that I had a really awesome host family. They treated me like their family even though I was there just for the year. They created a really bright life and a warm family for me; I REALLY appreciate their kindness. They taught me  about god; they taught me everything I didn't learn in China; they made me fall in love with this city, with this country. Most importantly, they helped me grow up.
Friends are the most important things besides family. Again, I felt really fortunate that I had so many friends to hang out with and so much nice feeling to share with. I even had "best friends"! They didn't really treat me like a stranger....or a "new girl", they were so nice and energetic; these guys and girls,they are the angels god sent to me.  I really miss them; I miss them calling me "China doll" and drawing U.S national flags on my face during the football game; I miss them speaking random Chinese and making funny faces; I miss them took me to China town and made me speak Chinese; I miss the moment I was dancing crazily @ prom; I miss the moment that they signed "ur awesome" on my yearbook; I miss them posting different things on my facebook saying "don't leave and we will mis u".... Too much to make me burst into tears before I left the airport, and yes I did.
Another beautiful thing---- spring trip. It was such a really valuable experience to hang out with other teens from all over the country...I mean, it's really exciting! We got to know each other's cool teen stuff and yeah, of course culture. We enjoyed being crazy together and having fun and making friends in just three seconds---- that's pretty cool, ryt? What's more, we went to NYC and DC..etc !!! OMG that's the coolest thing I've EVER experienced. I love that trip, I love every single person on that trip.
I appreciate every single moment I experienced, and I am still keeping in touch with my host family and my cutest friends----- from my school and from the trip as well. I believe it was one of the best moments in my life.

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