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I was a cheerleader during the exchange year
here are some pics of me as a cheerleader
It was a very fun sport and I made a lot of friends when i was a cheerleader
Its a very American sport,love it a lot!!
I did track and field later of the year but i didnt enjoy it that much its just not my thing i guess lol
this year was amazing and I have to admit that Chinese students have some sort of advantage on Math
we do very good at Math tests and competitions
I took a lot of trips this year I went to 3 trips with my host family and 1 with AFS and 1 with school.
In september I went to Charleston with my host family,it was the very second week i was with them so that trip brought us together and Charleston is so similar as Shanghai I kinda missed home on this trip but it wasnt a problem i was okay.
My second trip to Florida was in October with my host family again and with 2 other exchange student from Thailand and Greenland,they are my host mom's sisters exchange student,we got very close this year they are my life-time international friends.
My third trip was in January in Florida,Disney world  with my host family and 2 exchange students again,a lot of fun and special experience,they were obssessed with the chinese show in the Disney world.
My fourth trip was in March with AFS exchange students from all over the world I made such great international life-time friends from Italy, Japan, Germany..... It was the best time ever!! we enjoyed NYC &D.C. and with all these friends made this trip so special and awesome I just love my friends on the trip!
I went on a choir trip with my school in the twin cities of MN with all these school buddies and our awesome choir director it was a great trip and busy i enjoyed it a lot!
Saying goodbye was the hardest part i grew a very strong bond with my host family we were so close and love each other and care about each other, I love them from the deep of my heart but I promised to come back either just for visit or for college I will come back for my American mom,dad,sisters!
Since the technology today is so great,its not hard to keep in touch so yes its  gonna be okay.
My best time of my life was the exchange year and its gonna be my power to keep me go with my dream always and forever.

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