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A Year To Remember
Saint Augustine, the famous Christian thinker of Roman Empire once said," The world is like a book; without traveling, one stays on the same page." One year life in Italy is profound for me.
Now I have family here
Although widely acknowledged as one of the metropolises, not like Shanghai, Milan feels more archaic. Marbles aloft tell the legends of past days. Under the elegant arcades, row upon row of shops welcome the world travelers. While I admire the city not for these; I feel love here.
The life with my host family was full of fun. The women of my family like to do different cuisines in the kitchen. Actually, I learned how to make Tiramisu' and the pizza from my host sister. During supper, we shared opinions on politics and cultures; in this way I penetrated the events with a combination of Chinese and European ways of thinking. During Christmas, all family members helped decorate the tree and gave presents.
My family brought me to lots of Italian cities this year. We went to Rome, Venice, Florence, Pisa, etc; each city excited me in its own way. My family helped me to learn the story and the customs of each place we visited.
It's not the blood but the love makes us a family.

Always a student
I was in 4th grade in a science school. I had some new subjects like Latin and Philosophy, which are quite challenging. All the subjects have both paper tests and oral tests, including the science subjects like Physics.
Though I confronted some obstacles because of my unskilled Italian, I enjoyed myself in the school.On study, my classmates and profs helped a lot; they would patiently repeat again and again when I didn't get the point. I felt ecstatic when I was able to read original Dante's Divina Comedia.
With my Italian friends, I learned a new way of entertainment. We organized all kinds of parties. We dressed like the mad on Halloween, dancing all the night. I also did a lot of sports in Italy. I played tchoukball with school team every Friday afternoon and my fellows always kindly taught be how to be a good defender. I'm really glad to have a such a group of friends with whom I can share tears and laughers.

Green, White, Red: In each inch of my skin
Italy shows me the amazing parts of Christianity. I may visited 105 churches when I passed 100 towns. I went to Mass in Christmas with my family. Under solemn order, the heavenly sound of choir flew around the pillars engraved in various floral patterns. I am an atheist, but at that moment I felt an overwhelming weight of their religion. Here I can imagine the days of High Renaissance. Every city of Italy keeps the trace of wise minds. When I saw the L'ultima Cena of Leonardo Da Vinci in Milan, I subdued by the master piece's accurately depicting the humanity.
I love the gelato here. I cannot help myself doing the Italian gestures when I talk. The word "Grazie" split out when I tried to thank some English speakers. When Italy was defeated by Spain in the final game of 2012 European Cup, I was as sad as other Italians standing on the street, down in the mouth, even I never concerned about football before.
I realize that for me Italy is not simply a part on the world map. I delight for this country's gain; I lament for this country's lost.

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