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为落实国际和本市《教育中长期改革和发展规划纲要》,进一步推动上海市高等教育的国际化发展,加强高校的内涵建设,上海市教育委员会和美国华人院校长协会(the Council of Chinese American Deans and Presidents, CCADP)联合举办“中美大学校()长双边论坛,上海教育国际交流协会承办该会会务。



 陈思齐Gregory  S. Chan (Siqi Chan), Ed.D


Provost  of the University & Chief Academic Officer St. Thomas University


An Anatomy of the History of American Higher Education: the Evolving Past, Critical Present and Challenging Future

 陈允恺ChenYunkai, Ph.D.


Assistant Vice Chancellor for International Education Fayetteville State University

终身教职和取得终身教职后的再评估Tenure and Post-Tenure Evaluations

王桂兰Wang, Guilan, Ed.D


Assistant Provost of Global AffairsRoger Williams University

Assurance of Global Learning: The Institutional Agenda 

王进Wang, Jin, Ph.D.


Associate Provost and Dean of Academic Services The University of Tampa


Comprehensive Internationalization and Global competencies: A Quality Approach

 陈伟Wei R. Chen, Ph.D.


Assistant Dean College of Mathematics and Science University of Central Oklahoma

美国工程学位资格评审鉴定   ABET Accreditation in the United States

 龚晋慷Gong, Jin Kang, Ph.D.

太平洋大学副教务长 (主管科研与合作项目) 兼研究生院院长

Associate Provost for Research and Collaborative Programs Dean of Graduate Studies

University of the Pacific

创建高质量研究生教育 提升国际竞争力  Building First Class Quality Graduate Education to Compete Globally

李霄凌Li Xiaoling, Ph.D.

太平洋大学 药学院 副院长

Associate Dean, Graduate Education and Research Professor of Pharmaceutics

Thomas J Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences University of the Pacific


The Mission and Accreditation of Doctor of Pharmacy: An Example for Professional Doctorate Degree

黄桂友Huang, Guiyou, Ph.D.


Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean of the Faculty Norwich University


The Financial/Budgetary Crises in US Higher Education and Institutional Strategies to Combat Them

张春生Zhang, Chunsheng, Ph.D.

北阿拉巴马大学 副校长 (国际事务)

Professor & Vice Provost for International Affairs

University of North Alabama


Internationalization as a Tool for Quality Assurance in Higher Education:   An Overview

郑加麟Jialin C. Zheng, MD


Associate Dean for Graduate Studies-International Affairs

University of Nebraska Medical Center


Becoming a World-Renowned Health Sciences Center in the Era of the Global Market

Institutional Effort and Policies for the Promotion of Academic talent

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